Alma Mater

Agenda de actividades para exalumnos de la Universidad Iberoamericana

Del 25 al 29 de mayo de 2009  

Australian Latin American Leadership Program

The Australia Latin America Leadership Program (ALALP) is an important and unique new leadership development program scheduled to be staged in Australia in September/October 2009. This initiative is supported by the Australian Government's Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR).
ALALP will bring together 36 high calibre mid-career managers and officials (18 each from Australia and Latin America respectively) drawn from business, government, trade unions, education, the arts, and the community service sector including NGO's for a practical and intensive leadership program over a 12 day period.
The theme of the ALALP is "Sustainability in the Context of the Australia-Latin America Business Relationship". The theme of ‘sustainability' is broadly defined to include not only environmental concerns, but also related issues such as economic and social development, government regulation and activity, the changing nature of business, the skills and education of the workforce, trade and international relations.

Applications for this important event can be made now via an on line application process available on and close on Friday 29 May, 2009.

Hope you are interested in participating!!

Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 880, Lomas de Santa Fe, C.P. 01219


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